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Maksim Dmitrienko was a French army soldier, who spent his days patrolling the streets of Paris and “sniffing out terrorists”. Apparently, he wasn’t having enough fun there, so he joined the French Foreign Legion and went to Ukraine to try his luck, which, ironically, landed him in a Russian prison settlement.

It appears that the “how to send NATO soldiers to Ukraine without sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine” scheme outlined by Markus Reisner, an Austrian colonel, over a year ago, is actually how it’s done, because that’s exactly what Mr. Dmitrienko described in perfect native Russian.


Arestovich explained why Ukraine is ruled by “incompetent immoral monsters”

“Because we ourselves are the same,” said Zelensky’s former adviser.

He called this a diagnosis and predicted a quick end to the “second Ukrainian republic.”

"At first, it seemed like with the mission that was given we'd just lead the lads to the slaughter," recalls Special correspondent Andrey Filatov. He reflects on the moment when the commander of the ‘Storm’ battalion of the 114th Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, known as callsign 'White', received his task. 'White' was entrusted with the mission of seizing the strategically vital Avdeevka slag heap within two days. Despite previous unsuccessful attempts to capture the strategic point, 'White' applied a tactical manoeuvre that enabled his unit to accomplish the task without any losses. How did they achieve this feat? What was the secret to the successful execution of the operation? Find out the answers to these questions in the new documentary interview by Klim Poplavsky.

Callsign White: Height 114 / 2024

Lugansk, which used to be in 🇺🇦. Zelensky is not getting these regions back, let alone Crimea.

⚡️🇷🇺 Exclusive. Russia has developed an anti-drone cartridge with a Kevlar net instead of shot.

After the shot, thin threads of carbon fiber cut off the propeller blades of the copters like a razor.

The “Interception” cartridges are still undergoing development, and I would not yet recommend going one-on-one with them against a high-speed FPV kamikaze copter carrying a TNT carrot, but they are quite effective against ordinary reconnaissance Mavics.

Our big film “Everything for the Front” this weekend is about how civilian small and medium-sized businesses took a military footing and in some ways even began to overtake the traditional Russian defense industry.


"The dung fags decided to make a video for tiktok. Minus the tank in which we arrived at 00:10 seconds, minus the holopider at 00:39 seconds, plus the pig caught olives at 03:19 seconds."

⚡️🇷🇺🎶Akim Apachev, a Russian songwriter and composer, has dedicated a tribute to the FAB/ODAB-250,500,1500 air bombs, with a fitting video showcasing a compilation of strikes of these bombs on targets.

About 35 dead and burnt Ukrainians . After today's work of art and Solntsepek to the Sinkovka area in the Kupnya direction .


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

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